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Duct Cleaning: Prices, Duration, and Expectations


It can be hard to know what to expect from a duct cleaning. Every day you hear horror stories, tales from a friend of a friend, and read Internet reports that are inconsistent at best. That can make it difficult to know whether your duct cleaning appointment is going well or not. Is the company charging too much? Too little? Should it be taking that long? And are they doing the job correctly? You want your home to be as clean as possible. That means making informed decisions when it comes to duct cleaning services. If you are looking to gain a better understanding of what is normal and what should raise a red flag, keep reading. This guide will help you understand what to expect.

Duct Cleaning Prices

Have you ever gotten a phone call offering an ultra low duct cleaning price? Maybe it was $80 or $100 for a complete clean. This can sound like a fantastic way to cross duct cleaning off your to-do list without overspending. Until you go and compare prices with other duct cleaning companies, that is. You will likely find the prices range from $500 to 800 for the exact same service. How is this possible? The wide range of prices for the “same services” can say an awful lot about the company in question. Those low prices often come with a lower quality clean. The best course of action? Be careful and look into the qualifications of the company. Is the company with that low price certified, have years of experience, and a good reputation? Those are the things that really matter. Put experience above price and you will come out on top.

Duct Cleaning Duration

One of the most common questions regarding duct cleaning is: how long will it take? The answer to this can vary. It all depends on the size of your home. However, there is a general time line to be mindful of. A properly performed duct cleaning should take between two to four hours to complete. Be careful. Some companies will be in and out within an hour. Those are not the type you want to put your trust in. They tend to use handheld tools as opposed to powerful vacuums or professional level pieces of equipment. They then speed through the vents in your home and get out as quickly as possible…taking your hard earned money with them. A real duct cleaning will take longer. It could be anywhere from two to four hours but it all depends on the size of your home, the number of ducts, and the level of build up.

Duct Cleaning Expectations

Now you know what the average air duct cleaning should cost and how long it should take. There are certain expectations you should keep in mind as well. Like the number of duct cleaners. If there is only one duct cleaner that shows up, you might want to look into another company. Most of the time, the job requires at least two or three qualified duct cleaners. In addition, most qualified cleaners use equipment that moves the dust and dirt outside of your home (like a van or truck) in order to avoid contaminating the home air further. Expect the company to be professional, knowledgeable, and ready to answer your questions. They should also have a written contract on hand and be willing to offer proof of certification. When in doubt, ask, ask, and ask some more.

A duct cleaning can be a wonderful thing for your home. It can improve the quality of the air you breathe and keep your home clean. To make it happen? Know what to expect from a cleaning. That includes everything from the price to the duration and proper cleaning methods. This will prevent you from shelling out cash without getting the results you deserve.

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Services of Interest: (Check All That Apply)

  1. Duct Cleaning

  2. Sanitization Whole Home Hard Surfaces + Ducts

  3. Commercial Sanitization (Business Warehouse Etc)

  4. Dryer Vent, Bathroom Vents

  5. Air Conditioner Maintenance or Repair

  6. Furnace Cleaning

  7. Furnace Repair

  8. HVAC Annual Service Contract

  9. Odour Removal

  10. Air Quality Testing

  11. Boiler Systems

  12. Air Conditioner Installation

  13. Furnace Installation

  14. Humidifier Installation

  15. HEPA or Air Purification Installation

  16. Full Commercial Inspection and Evaluation HVAC & Air Quality (for Commercial and Office Properties)

  17. Other - please describe in additional information box

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